Domestic abuse/violence is the intentional infliction of emotional, verbal, psychological, spiritual, economic, physical, and/or sexual abuse as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against the other. The frequency and severity of this abuse can vary; however, the one constant component of domestic abuse is one partner's consistent efforts to maintain power and control over the other.
One of the most important things to remember about domestic abuse is that it is never the victim's fault. Only the perpetrator is responsible! A woman is beaten every 15 seconds in the United States, and around the globe, 1 in 3 women has been abused by their partners. Domestic violence affects individuals in every community regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, abilities, religion, nationality, or ethnicity. The devastating effects and consequences of domestic abuse can cross generations and last a lifetime.
Types of behaviors exhibited by the perpetrator in abusive relationships:
The Community Educator at HAVEN will work with any school, youth or adult organization, agency, church, formal or informal group to provide presentations and informational resources that promote interpersonal relationships that are respectful, empathetic, equal, and free from abuse and violence. Individualized planning will be done with anyone interested to ensure the information we share is age-appropriate and meets the specific interests and needs of your group. All community education is provided without charge to raise awareness, share understanding, prevent abuse, and promote relationships that value human beings and respect their personal identities, rights, and freedoms.
These are some of the areas in which HAVEN can provide education:
Anyone is welcome to call HAVEN at (715) 536-1300 to explore the opportunities for Community Education that will be appealing and informative to your specific group, large or small.
We provide weekly support groups and advocacy that helps children who are victims of, or live in a family affected by, domestic abuse and sexual assault.
Every Tuesday from 3:30-5:30, we offer play and art therapy, which increases the feeling of safety and decreases anxiety. Children of all ages who have witnessed or whose mothers have been affected by domestic and/or sexual abuse are encouraged to participate in our weekly support group. We encourage children to be vocal in their feelings and help them prepare for a healthy lifestyle. It is never too late to get the help your family needs to live a healthy, safe life. Call (715) 536-1300 or email [email protected] to discuss group.
All children who live with domestic violence are affected by the experience. The nature and extent of the effects vary greatly. Some children are severely traumatized by their exposure to domestic abuse, particularly if they are among the many who are also victims of child abuse. Children who have a resilient temperament, an otherwise stable life, and a nurturing support system may suffer less harm. Support from the non-abusing parent and the community can greatly contribute to resiliency.
The potential effects on children of witnessing domestic violence can be characterized as externalizing or internalizing symptoms. Externalizing symptoms are more visible and often manifest as behavioral problems. Internalizing symptoms are less visible and more likely to be characterized as mental health problems.
Ending abuse and strengthening our communities.